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Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes - Pastor Ed

In November we had our Wyoming Southern Baptist Mission Network annual meeting and the theme was Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. Over the past several weeks, this has stuck with me. We, as a church, have been discovering what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and will next look at what it means for a disciple to make disciples. In this, we have to decide if we want to stay where we are as individual and as a church or do we want to continue to grow? I have heard often that many cannot wait for 2020 to come to an end and to begin 2021. What makes us believe that it will be different? COVID aside, we have to make decisions that involve change if we want to see change. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If our desire is to continue to grow in Christ, we must always be willing to see change. Our world may be a little crazy and we may not have much choice in what is happening, but we have complete choice in how we respond. Maybe that is where we start the changes? Be a little kinder, argue a little less, serve a little more. Maybe strive to not be so quick to be offended but instead respond with a little compassion. Instead of continuing to hold grudges over broken relationships it is time to extend forgiveness. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

We may have a desire to grow in our relationship with the Lord. Maybe it is time to open that Bible that often gets neglected and spend some time in reading and study. Instead of complaining, spend some time praying. Instead of worrying spend some time serving. Instead of looking constantly thinking about how things impact us, begin to develop God’ heart for what He is doing around us. Make decisions to grow as a disciple of Jesus. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If I always do what I have always done then I will always be who I have always been. I like where I am, but I don’t want to always be right where I am. I want to be a little kinder, care a little more, love more deeply, serve more passionately, and grow ever closer to my Lord. And that will not happen without changes on my part. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

The calendar will switch from 2020 to 2021. An old year is gone and a new one will begin. However, things will always be the same unless we do something that makes a difference. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Pam Creason