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A Time of Reflection - Pastor Ed

As another year has drawn to a close, I have spent some time reflecting on life and ministry. Life is and always will be an adventure. Just a couple weeks ago I was sitting on the mountains overlooking a beautiful, snowy valley, eagles flying overhead, watching elk in the distance, and marveling at just how great our God is. It was a quiet time where I could just stop and think about all that God has been doing and be humbled that he allows me to participate.

There are many events that God uses to shape my life. Over the past few months he has challenged me in ways like never before. Three times a year I spend a week in a different part of our world. My time in Dallas, Calgary, and Haiti have been influential in my daily walk with Jesus. We have watched as Cornerstone Church in Dallas has been instrumental in transforming their community. They are an example of a church being the light in a dark world. I have learned so much from our ten years travelling to Dallas. Southwinds church in Calgary has become like family. They continue to not only minister in the community that God placed them in, but are constantly looking for opportunity to expand His ministry. They are an example of not being content in ministry but in reaching those around them. My week in Haiti has been life-changing. I am thankful that God orchestrated things to begin a partnership with Haiti Outreach Ministries. The people involved in this ministry have a sincere desire to impact their country with the love of Jesus. In the big picture, my involvement is so little, but does have a purpose. I am a better person and minister because of these experiences.

My life cannot be about me. It must always be about the one who created me. God has a desire for me to continue to grow in my relationship with him. This year has been a year of learning and growth. I am excited about what the next year holds. I often pray that I can have His heart, see through His eyes, and love a world with His love. I want that to be true every day--with my family, in my ministry at Boyd Avenue and on the Casper College Campus, and in our partnerships around the world. I have been called into a relationship with God. That relationship is shown in my love for others.

Pastor Ed


Pam Creason