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Finding Our Place in Ministry - Pastor Ed

Walking through our church on Sundays and Wednesday nights, I am humbled as I observe the number of people serving. Whether it be preparing for the Wednesday night meal, serving in the nursery, teaching our children, leading our teenagers, teaching an adult class, participating in Bible Study, running sound, streaming the service, leading in worship, or serving in other areas, these people spend time preparing and then devote themselves to service. I began to think about the influence each has on our church. Some more than they may ever know.

I remember when I was a young boy, sitting in Sunday school, learning the stories of the Bible.  We learned about Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Moses leading the people out of Egypt, Jonah and the great Fish, Joshua and the battle of Jericho, the stories of Jesus and His miracles, and the journeys of Paul.   When I was a little older we would spend time doing Bible drills and memorizing scripture. As a teenager, God put a couple of Godly men in my life to give me advice and guidance.   I can’t recall the names or sometimes even the faces of those who taught me, but I remember learning these important practices of the faith. Years later, when I went through a period of struggle and eventually returned to my faith, these lessons stuck with me. People served because they loved God and loved people.

I realize as I write this that there are so many serving and that there may be others still looking for their place to serve. Let us help you. Commit to doing whatever it takes to be an active part of ministry and we will commit to helping you do that. That is the heart of what we have been talking about in our church over the last couple of years.

Thank you for your service. Thank you for your willingness to serve.  There are so many of you that there is no way I can thank you all by name.  You teach, share, give, and pray for our church.  God has given us the opportunity to impact the lives of others.   Thank you for your heart for Jesus. Join me in continuing to find our place in ministry.

-- Pastor Ed


Pam Creason